Spis treści publikacji pt. „Visualizing the Data City: Social Media as a Source of Knowledge for Urban Planning and Management”.
Tytuł: „Visualizing the Data City: Social Media as a Source of Knowledge for Urban Planning and Management”
Autorzy: Paolo Ciuccarelli, Giorgia Lupi, Luca Simeone
Wydawca: Springer
Data wydania: 2014-03-04
Język: Angielski
Liczba stron: 85
Spis treści
Spis treści / Table of contents
1 Introduction / 1
1.1 Aims /1
1.2 Approach / 2
1.3 The Layout of the Book / 4
2 We Live in Informational Landscapes / 5
2.1 An Introduction to the Data City / 5
2.2 People-Generated Landscapes: Potentialities of Social Media Data / 6
2.3 Applications Targeting Urban Issues / 8
2.3.1 Characterizations of Geographic Areas / 9
2.3.2 Temporal Dimension /10
2.3.3 Places Identities and Relationships Among Geographic Areas / 10
2.3.4 Emerging Behavior /10
2.3.5 Political Attitudes: Acceptance/Feeling Toward Local Policies and Urban Interventions / 11
2.4 Existing Work / 11
2.5 Specificities of the Research Trajectory / 14
3 Depicting the Data City / 17
3.1 Visualizing Geo-Referenced Data / 17
3.2 A Taxonomy of Geo-Referenced Data Visualization / 18
3.3 Our Strategies to Visualize Geo-Located Social Media Data / 22
4 Methodological Framework / 23
4.1 A Framework for Interpreting Geo-Referenced Social Media Data / 23
4.2 A Process to Investigate Topics of Urban Interest with Geo-Referenced Social Media Data / 25
4.3 Evaluating and Assessing our Approach / 28
5 Working in the Field / 31
5.1 Telltale and Urban Sensing: A Joint Research Trajectory / 31
5.2 Technological Architecture / 31
5.3 Telltale and Its Design Experiments: A Multidisciplinary Research Approach / 34
5.3.1 Overview / 34
5.3.2 Instagram, Foursquare, and Twitter Compared / 34
5.3.3 Urban Stories / 37
5.4 Urban Sensing and Its Design Experiments: Toward an Open Technological Platform / 39
5.4.1 Overview / 39
5.4.2 Maps of Babel: The City of Languages / 40
5.4.3 Geographies of Time / 43
5.4.4 Geographies of Time, New York / 48
5.4.5 Urban Sketching Tool, the Prototype in Use / 51
6 Reflections on Potentialities and Shortcomings of Geo-Located Social Media Analysis / 55
6.1 Potentialities / 55
6.2 Shortcomings / 58
6.3 Final Remarks / 60
Appendix 1: List of Case Studies Used for Building the Matrix
in Chap. 3 / 63
Appendix 2: Excerpts from Conversations with Accurat, Lust, and Mobivery / 67
References / 71
Index / 75
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Data aktualizacji: 27.12.2023 r.
Autor: Zespół Infografika Polska
Redakcja: Natalia Cieślak
Nadzór merytoryczny: Anita Bednarczyk
Korekta: Katarzyna Kamińska
Grafiki: infografikapolska.pl/baza
Źródło informacji: Institute of Infographics
Kontakt z redakcją: info@infografikapolska.pl
Data aktualizacji: 27.12.2023 r.
Autor: Zespół Infografika Polska
Redakcja: Natalia Cieślak
Nadzór merytoryczny: Anita Bednarczyk
Korekta: Katarzyna Kamińska
Grafiki: infografikapolska.pl/baza
Źródło informacji: Institute of Infographics
Kontakt z redakcją: info@infografikapolska.pl
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