Spis treści publikacji pt. „A Practical Guide to Graphics Reporting”.
Tytuł: „A Practical Guide to Graphics Reporting”
Autor: Jennifer George-Palilonis
Wydawca: Focal Press
Data wydania: 2013-05-02
Język: Angielski
Liczba stron: 200
Spis treści
Spis treści / Table of contents
About the Author / viii
Acknowledgments / ix
Mastering the Art of Visual Storytelling / 3
History / 4
Our Visual Culture / 6
The Role of the Graphics Reporter / 7
Spotting Graphics Potential / 9
The Visual Editor / 13
In the Eyes of an Expert: J. Ford Huffman,
Deputy Managing Director, USA Today / 15
Chapter One Exercise / 17
Graphics Potential Packaging Form / 21
Multimedia Storytelling: How Different Media Use Graphics / 23
Print Graphics & News Coverage / 24
Sept. 11, 2001: A Case Study / 28
Digital Media Formats: Animation & Interactivity / 31
MSNBC.com: A Case Study / 37
Information Graphics & Convergence / 38
One Graphic, Three Formats: A Case Study / 41
In the Eyes of an Expert: Don Wittekind,
Graphics Director, South Florida Sun-Sentinel / 44
Chapter Two Exercise / 47
Research & Writing for Graphics Reporting / 49
Research Sources for Information Graphics / 49
Sifting Through the Rubble / 54
Developing a Source List / 56
The Written Components of an Information Graphic / 57
Information Graphics & News Coverage / 61
In the Eyes of an Expert: Michael Price,
Presentation Editor, San Diego Union-Tribune / 63
Chapter Three Exercise / 67
Ethics & Graphics Reporting / 69
The Graphics Reporter’s Code of Conduct / 70
Visual Plagiarism & Copyright / 72
The Internet as a Source / 73
Working with Numbers / 74
In the Eyes of an Expert: Jeff Goertzen,
Senior Artist, St. Petersburg Times / 75
Chapter Four Exercise / 80
Designing Information Graphics / 83
The Seven Basic Design Principles / 83
Working with a Grid / 91
Color & Type Palettes / 92
In the Eyes of an Expert: Ron Reason, Design Consultant / 96
Chapter Five Exercise / 98
Cartography for Journalists / 101
Functions of Maps / 102
Kinds of Maps / 103
The Physical Components of a Map / 109
Map Construction / 114
Color Use in Maps / 116
Type in Maps / 117
Maps in the News / 118
In the Eyes of an Expert: George Rorick,
The Poynter Institute for Media Studies & USA Today / 120
Chapter Six Exercises / 122
Charts, Tables & Text-Based Graphics / 125
Text-Based Graphics / 128
Pie Charts / 131
Bar Charts / 133
Fever Charts / 135
Tips for All Types of Graphics / 136
In the Eyes of an Expert: Angela Smith,
Graphics Reporter, The State-Journal Register / 139
Chapter Seven Exercises / 140
Taking the “Numb” Out of Numbers: Statistical Data Displays / 143
Spotting Problems with Statistics / 144
Establishing Validity in Polls & Surveys / 146
In the Eyes of an Expert: Kris Goodfellow, ESRI / 149
Chapter Eight Exercise / 152
Diagrams & Illustrative Graphics / 153
Types of Diagrams / 153
Organizing the Content / 155
Illustration Techniques / 159
In the Eyes of an Expert: Nigel Holmes, Explanation Graphics / 161
Chapter Nine Exercises / 165
Appendix A / 169
Glossary / 175
Index / 185
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Data aktualizacji: 27.12.2023 r.
Autor: Zespół Infografika Polska
Redakcja: Natalia Cieślak
Nadzór merytoryczny: Anita Bednarczyk
Korekta: Katarzyna Kamińska
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Źródło informacji: Institute of Infographics
Kontakt z redakcją: info@infografikapolska.pl
Data aktualizacji: 27.12.2023 r.
Autor: Zespół Infografika Polska
Redakcja: Natalia Cieślak
Nadzór merytoryczny: Anita Bednarczyk
Korekta: Katarzyna Kamińska
Grafiki: infografikapolska.pl/baza
Źródło informacji: Institute of Infographics
Kontakt z redakcją: info@infografikapolska.pl
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