Spis treści publikacji pt. „Making Data Visual: A Practical Guide to Using Visualization for Insight”.
Tytuł: „Making Data Visual: A Practical Guide to Using Visualization for Insight”
Autorzy: Danyel Fischer, Miriah Meyer
Wydawca: O′Reilly
Data wydania: 2018-01-12
Język: Angielski
Liczba stron: 250
Spis treści
Spis treści / Table of contents
- Who Is This Book For?
- Who Are We?
- Overview of Chapters
- Acknowledgments
- O’Reilly Safari
- How to Contact Us
- Getting to an Effective Visualization
- Getting to Insight
- Hotmap: Making Decisions with Data
- Where Visualization Is Useful
- Further Reading
- From Questions to Tasks
- Example: Identifying Good Movie Directors
- Making a Question Concrete
2.1. A Concrete Movie Question
- Breaking Down a Task
3.1 When Tasks Lead to New Questions
- Returning to the Example: Exploring Different Definitions
- How Specific Does the Process Get?
- Making Use of Results
- Conclusion: A Well-Operationalized Task
- Further Reading
III. Data Counseling, Exploration, and Prototyping
- Technique 1: Data Counseling
1.1. Identifying Stakeholders
1.2. Conducting Interviews
1.3. Conducting Contextual Interviews
- Technique 2: Exploring the Data
- Technique 3: Rapid Prototyping for Design
3.1.The Range of Prototypes
3.2. Eliciting Feedback
- And, Repeat
- Conclusion
- Components of a Visualization
- Dimensions and Measures
1.1. Example: International Towing & Ice Cream
1.2. Dimensions
1.3. Types of Data
1.4. Transforming Between Dimension Types
1.5. Dimensionality Reduction and Clustering
- Examining Actions
- Single Views
- Overall Perceptual Concerns
- Question: How Is a Measure Distributed?
2.1. Histogram (Categorical)
2.2. Histogram (Quantitative)
2.3. Smoothed Histogram
2.4. Box Plot
2.5. Density Plot for Two Dimensions
- Question: How Do Groups Differ from Each Other?
3.1. Bar Chart
3.2. Pie Chart
3.3. Heatmap
- Question: Do Individual Items Fall into Groups? Is There a Relationship Between Attributes of Items?
4.1. Scatterplot
- Question: How Does an Attribute Vary Continuously?
5.1. Line and Area Charts
- Question: How Are Objects Related to Each Other in a Network or Hierarchy?
6.1. Node-Link View
6.2. Adjacency Matrix
6.3. Tree View
6.4. Treemap and Sunburst
- Question: Where Are Objects Located?
7.1. Geographical Map
- Question: What Is in This Text?
8.1. Word Cloud
- Conclusion
- Further Reading
10.1. Relevant Articles
10.2. Datasets
- Multiple and Coordinated Views
- Small Multiples
- Scatterplot Matrices
- Overview+Detail
- Multiform Views and Dashboards
- Overlays
- Axis Alignment and Scale Consistency
- Interacting with Multiple Linked Views
- MLVs and the Operationalization Process
- Conclusion
- Further Reading
10.1. Datasets
VII. Case Study 1: Visualizing Telemetry to Improve Software
- Introduction
- Project Background
- The Data
- Determining How to Compare Builds
- Comparing Distributions to Understand “Better”
- Multiple Scenarios
- Sketching Dashboards
7.1. Turning Back to the Data
- Final UI for High-Level Goals
8.1. Additional Visualizations
- Conclusion
9.1. Acknowledgments
- Further Reading
VIII. Case Study 2: Visualizing Biological Data
- Background
- Setting the Context
2.1. Zooming in a Level
- Improving the Existing Approach
- Similarity, Not Outliers
- A Final Version
- Conclusion
- Further Reading
- Conclusions
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Data aktualizacji: 27.12.2023 r.
Autor: Zespół Infografika Polska
Redakcja: Natalia Cieślak
Nadzór merytoryczny: Anita Bednarczyk
Korekta: Katarzyna Kamińska
Grafiki: infografikapolska.pl/baza
Źródło informacji: Institute of Infographics
Kontakt z redakcją: info@infografikapolska.pl
Data aktualizacji: 27.12.2023 r.
Autor: Zespół Infografika Polska
Redakcja: Natalia Cieślak
Nadzór merytoryczny: Anita Bednarczyk
Korekta: Katarzyna Kamińska
Grafiki: infografikapolska.pl/baza
Źródło informacji: Institute of Infographics
Kontakt z redakcją: info@infografikapolska.pl
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